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A publishing tool, a Version Control System, or a Collaboration Platform! These can be some of the defining words for the two very famous web-hosting Git repositories:

发布工具,版本控制系统或协作平台! 这些可能是两个非常著名的Web托管Git存储库的一些定义性单词:

Bitbucket and Github. Git is widely used amongst the programmers and developers for re-developing a maintained code. With this technology, a local and web copy of projects can be saved. 

Bitbucket和Github。 Git在程序员和开发人员中广泛用于重新开发已维护的代码。 使用此技术,可以保存项目的本地副本和网络副本。

How Does Version Control System Works?


A Version Control System simply allows saving multiple snapshots of single project. Say, we have a project and files of code. When we work on it for some time, we might find the need to create a safe point of it (which is S1 in the figure).

版本控制系统仅允许保存单个项目的多个快照。 说,我们有一个项目和代码文件。 当我们处理它一段时间后,可能会发现需要为其创建一个安全点(图中为S1)。

Now, if we want to work more on the same project, we can copy the code and modify it and then again create its safe point (which is S2 in the figure). And likewise, it is possible to continue modifying the project (S3) but at the same time maintain history of previous projects as well. Say, at some point of time, our project did not work well (S4). So, we have the option to go back to the previous version (S3) and get started again.

现在,如果我们想在同一个项目上做更多的工作,我们可以复制代码并对其进行修改,然后再次创建其安全点(在图中为S2)。 同样,可以继续修改项目(S3),但同时也保留先前项目的历史记录。 说,在某个时间点,我们的项目运行不佳(S4)。 因此,我们可以选择返回先前的版本(S3),然后重新开始。

When a Git repository is created, a master branch is developed and as long as we generate safe points, the master branches are added. Now, there can be requirement of adding new features to a project that is working currently (S4). So, when one developer is busy adding features to the project (F1), another can continue to make relevant modifications and work on it (S5) and same can be continued. When the features branch is done with the development, they can be merged to the main development branch (S8). 

创建Git存储库后,将开发一个master分支 ,只要我们生成安全点,就会添加master分支。 现在,可能需要向当前正在运行的项目中添加新功能(S4)。 因此,当一个开发人员忙于向项目中添加功能时(F1),另一开发人员可以继续进行相关修改并对其进行处理(S5),并且可以继续进行。 在开发完成功能分支后,可以将其合并到主开发分支(S8)。


There are two types of Git repositories that can be found at both the platforms: Private and Public. While the public repositories are available to everyone, the private repositories can be made visible or hidden according to its developer’ choice and the account type.

在两种平台上都可以找到两种类型的Git存储库: Private和Public 。 虽然所有人都可以使用公共存储库,但可以根据其开发人员的选择和帐户类型将其变为可见或隐藏。

A Comparative Study: GitHub Vs. BitBucket

比较研究:GitHub与。 比特桶

Features Factor: 特点因素:

If we talk about the popularity factor, then definitely is way ahead with around 4 million users. But this does not mean that BitBucket is any way less in this concern but yes Github is running the race). At the front-end of both the platforms, developers get direct access to issues tracking, command line tools for Mac, Windows, Linux, and mobile phones, wikis etc. Although, one is better than the other but in many of the cases, it’s the matter of taste that helps to make the decision. 

如果我们谈论人气因素,那么绝对有超过400万用户的绝对领先。 但这并不意味着BitBucket对此问题的关注程度有所降低,但是Github参加了比赛。 在这两个平台的前端,开发人员都可以直接访问问题跟踪,适用于Mac,Windows,Linux和移动电话,Wiki等的命令行工具。尽管其中一种优于另一种,但在许多情况下,口味问题有助于做出决定。

However, if we talk about prioritizing function of Github that is unavailable on Bitbucket is Gist which is a technology to make the developer’ work shareable. Files or applications can be shared through Gist which is itself a Git repository that can be cloned, modified, or forked.  

但是,如果我们谈论的是Github的优先功能,而Bitbucket上不提供该功能,那就是Gist ,它是一种使开发人员的工作可共享的技术。 可以通过Gist共享文件或应用程序,Gist本身就是一个Git存储库,可以克隆,修改或分支。

Another effective feature available in GitHub is two-factor authentication (2FA). This is helpful for the websites that rely upon the single piece of security code for authentication. This means along with the password to login, there will be an additional security measure offered. When you login to the Github account, an OTP (One Time Password) will be generated and sent on the mobile phone (if 2FA is activated). This OTP has to be entered when asked while login and then only the account can be accessed. But this 2FA feature is absent from BitBucket. 

GitHub中可用的另一个有效功能是两因素身份验证(2FA) 。 这对于依赖单个安全代码进行身份验证的网站很有帮助。 这意味着除了要登录的密码外,还将提供其他安全措施。 当您登录Github帐户时,将会生成一个OTP(一次性密码)并通过手机发送(如果2FA已激活)。 登录时要求输入此OTP,然后只能访问该帐户。 但是BitBucket缺少此2FA功能。

HTML Pages: HTML页面:

Both Github and are platforms for developers but to make it flexible, they are made opened for normal users for project sharing. This is done through the HTML pages that can be designed for user convenience. Also, URL creation is completely a user’ choice: Either it can be a nifty URL like github.io (URL Shortner) or a URL with name.bitbucket.com. 

Github和都是开发人员的平台,但为了使其更加灵活,它们普通用户开放以进行项目共享。 这是通过可以为用户方便设计HTML页面完成的。 另外,URL的创建完全是用户的选择:它可以是一个漂亮的URL,例如github.io(URL简称),也可以是具有name.bitbucket.com的URL。

The Welcome Board:


A lot more about both the platforms can be known through their Explore page. If you check out Bitbucket, it will showcase it as a normal Search page while on Github, You can check out it give view of all the trending topics on the main page, the job board etc.

可以通过其“浏览”页面了解有关这两个平台的更多信息。 如果您查看Bitbucket,它将在Github上显示为普通的搜索页面,您可以查看它在主页,工作面板等上查看所有趋势主题。

Community Support:


On analyzing some popular and entrusted communities like , it can be noticed that much questions are asked about Github than Bitbucket. More than that, Github questions are answered within minimum possible time. Also, for some popular libraries (for example: Java, JS, Ruby), undoubtedly the place to visit for developers in Github. And here, the open source nature can be counted as the contribution. 

在分析诸如类的一些受欢迎且受委托的社区时,可以注意到,关于Github的问题比Bitbucket的问题要多。 不仅如此,Github的问题会在最短的时间内得到解答。 另外,对于一些流行的库(例如:Java,JS,Ruby),无疑是Github中供开发人员访问的地方。 在这里,开源性质可以算作贡献。

Git or Mercurial?


Initially, Bitbucket was a platform for Mercurial and the support for Git was added in the year 2011. On the other hand, Github was dedicated for Git from the start. If you are migrated to a distributed VCS, then Mercurial is the best available option. Although, from learning point of view, mercurial is the better option but definitely, Git offer a better control.

最初,Bitbucket是Mercurial的平台,并在2011年增加了对Git的支持。另一方面,Github从一开始就致力于Git。 如果您要迁移到分布式VCS,则Mercurial是最佳的选择。 尽管从学习的角度来看,Mercurial是更好的选择,但可以肯定的是,Git提供了更好的控制。

Price Comparison: 价格对比:

Bitbucket assigns a price tag of around 10-200 dollars for 5 unlimited collaborations. While on the other hand, GitHub is divided into personal and organizational accounts. With an organizational account, there is option for a team management layer which cost around 25 to 200 dollars for every month. However, academics have the advantage of free as well as discounted services. 

Bitbucket为5次无限协作分配了大约10-200美元的价格标签。 另一方面,GitHub分为个人帐户和组织帐户。 有了组织帐户,就可以选择一个团队管理层,每个月的费用约为25到200美元 。 但是,学者具有免费和折扣服务的优势。

Pros and Cons of Using GitHub:




  • Developers are provided with the ability of creating their own websites for submitting or sharing projects.

  • The issue tracking feature of GitHub has made it easy for developers to work around on bugs.

  • The interface of Github is very intuitive. Plus, anyone can fork a request and can submit a pull request.

    Github的界面非常直观。 另外,任何人都可以派生一个请求并可以提交拉取请求。
  • The search box of Github gives a simplified way to the developers to look out for number of projects that are hosted on it and get the relevant one.

  • GitHub dedicatedly includes a page where developers can find open source projects. Likewise, the trending topics are displayed and sorted accordingly.

    GitHub专门包含一个页面,开发人员可以在其中找到开源项目。 同样,趋势主题也会相应显示和排序。
  • There are popular cloud hosting services that are integrated with GitHub which gives the advantage of submitting Gits on them. Some of the services are: Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services etc.

    有流行的云托管服务已与GitHub集成,这提供了在其上提交Git的优势。 其中一些服务是:Google Cloud,Amazon Web Services等。



  • At Github, you will find that only the public repositories are available free of cost. Closed repositories are only available to those who have premium account and the highlighting point is, they are not cheap.

    在Github,您会发现只有免费的公共存储库可用。 封闭的存储库仅适用于拥有高级帐户的用户,重点是它们并不便宜。
  • To sign in to Github on web, there is no other alternative than the normal login credentials. There is no way offered to get into the service through Facebook or Google+ account.

    要在网络上登录Github,除了普通的登录凭据外别无其他选择。 没有提供通过Facebook或Google+帐户进入该服务的方法。

Pros and Cons of Using BitBucket:




  • On this platforms, the developers get the benefit of unlimited private repositories and that too free of cost. But, this offer would applicable only when the number of members in the team are 5 or less than 5. So, the point is, the charges are dependent upon the number of team members and not the access to number of private repository.

    在此平台上,开发人员可以获得无限的私人存储库的好处,而且成本太高。 但是,此优惠仅在团队中的成员人数为5个或少于5个时适用。因此,重点是,收费取决于团队成员的人数,而不是对私有存储库数量的访问。
  • is one biggest source for projects and for tracking issues and is developed by Atlassian (which is the mastermind behind Bitbucket). When both of them work in collaboration, there is advantage of automatic up-dation when new commit is done in BitBucket repository.

    是项目和跟踪问题的最大来源之一,由Atlassian(这是Bitbucket的策划者)开发。 当它们两者协同工作时,在BitBucket存储库中完成新提交时,具有自动更新的优势。
  • There are number of ways offered for login: Google, Twitter, Facebook, Github etc.

  • is known for providing licenses for academic purpose wherein teachers as well as the students can have unlimited private repositories.

  • Bitbucket includes the option of importing repositories from different platforms. This is done through the URL of a repository to be imported.

    Bitbucket包括从不同平台导入存储库的选项。 这是通过要导入的存储库的URL完成的。



  • Private repositories are made free only for 5 members (max). For an additional member in the team, additional charges has to be made.

    私人存储库仅对5个成员免费(最多)。 对于团队中的其他成员,必须支付额外费用。
  • There is no way included in BitBucket to search for required source code. The developer have to download the repository first and then perform the search locally.

    BitBucket中没有包含搜索所需源代码的方法。 开发人员必须先下载资源库,然后在本地执行搜索。

Final Verdict:


Both GitHub and Bitbucket are designed to ease the job of a developer in one way or the other. On comparing the good and bad points about both the platforms, it can be concluded that choosing one over the other is completely a matter of choice as both of them are empowered with absolute features to get the best and relevant source code for projects at best possible price. 

GitHub和Bitbucket都旨在以一种或多种方式简化开发人员的工作。 通过比较两个平台的优缺点,可以得出结论,选择一个平台完全是一个选择问题,因为两个平台都具有绝对的功能,可以最大程度地获取项目的最佳和相关源代码。价钱。

However, when it comes to making a choice between both, GitHub takes over the game due to its better security, more open source projects, complete dedication over Gits, and definitely better public sharing.  




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